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Pyrgus ruralis can typically be found in forest clearings, meadows, pastures, stream sides, at elevations from sea level to 10,000 feet.
Adults can often be found flying along paths or trails and perching on bare ground there.
They are low fliers who are addicted to Pussy Paws, but will also go to other early flowers with short corollas, as available. They do not visit flowers of their host plant.
To find receptive females, males patrol and sometimes perch close to the ground in valley bottoms. Females lay eggs singly on the host plant.
They will produce one brood from April-July, per year.
Caterpillars build a webbed leaf nest in which they live and feed.
Dorsal sides are light to black brown, with forewings having square like white spots.
Hindwings usually have 2 rows of white spots.
Ventral sides are brown or gray with dull spots that are often obscure.
Males have a costal fold enclosing scent scales on their forewings.

Diet: caterpillars dine on Herbaceous plants in the rose family (Rosaceae).
Diet: Adults take flower nectar from a variety of plants.
Wingspan: 2.5 - 2.9 cm / 1 - 1 1/8 "

The single biggest threat to butterfly survival is habitat destruction!!

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