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(Phalanta phalantha)
Butterfly populations are a very good indicator of the health of an area's ecosystem !!
Also known as the Spotted Rustic
   Phalanta phalantha are sun loving and avoid shade. They are usually only seen in plains, gardens, and edges of clearings.
   They are widely distributed and abundant, ranging from the tops of hills in Sri Lanka and southern India and up to 3000 m in the Himalayas, as well as the whole of Sub saharan Africa.
    Males often perch on the edges of clearings with wings half open, and they have the habit of guarding their territory by chasing away other butterflies.
   Males are often seen mudpuddling from damp patches in the ground, either alone or in groups, to take salt and other nutrients.
   They are a tawny orange color and marked with black spots. The ventral side are is glossier than the dorsal side and both the male and female are similar in appearance.
   A more prominent purple gloss on the underside is found in the dry season form of this butterfly.
   They are characterized by a fast, active, and sharp flying style, and are very enjoyable to watch in flight.
   * As members of the Brush Footed (Nymphalidae) family, they use their shorter pair of front legs for food tasting, and their two longer pair of rear legs for propulsion.
Common Leopard.png
Diet: caterpillars eat plants species of family Bixaceae

Diet: adults take nectar from flowers, especially Lantana, Duranta, Meyenia laxiflora, Gymnosporia montana, and Thistles, as well as drinking from fermenting fruits.

Wingspan of 5.0 – 5.5 cm  /  1.96 – 2.16 “  
Family: Nymphalidae
Common Leopard caterpillar
Common Leopard caterpillar
Common Leopard chrysalis
The single biggest threat to butterfly survival is habitat destruction!!
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