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This is a common species occurring throughout Europe, temperate Asia, and at high altitudes in the Atlas mountains of north Africa.
It is also found in North America, where it is called the the Mustard White.
Green Veined Whites, like their close relatives the Small and Large Whites, are among the first butterflies to fly on cool or overcast days,
often appearing an hour or more before other species.
Newly hatched females will sit among grasses or low herbs waiting for discovery by patrolling males.
Mating takes place after a short chase, and
immediately after mating the pair fly to settle on a bush or on higher ground, with the male carrying the female in flight.
If disturbed the mating pair fly off and often make several short flights until they find a spot where predators are not a threat.
They mate for about an hour.
Green Veined whites typically fly from early May thru September, emerging in as many as three broods during the year.
The green veined markings on the ventral wings darken with every new brood throughout the year, eventually turning from green to dark grey.
Adult diet : Flower nectar
Wingspan: 30-50 mm / 1 3/16 - 1 31/32"
Family: Pieridae
The single biggest threat to butterfly survival is habitat destruction!!

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