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Butterfly populations are a very good indicator of the health of an area's ecosystem !!
The Dark Wanderer resembles Pareronia valeria, the Common Wanderer, in color and in the disposition of the markings.
They differ in that the Dark Wanderer's male dorsal side has ground color a deeper blue. The forewing have a terminal black border much broader generally, entirely without the transverse sub terminal series of bluish white spots.
in a few specimens there are one or two of these spots present.
Hindwings have a terminal black border that is very broad, narrowing slightly but distinctly towards the tornal angle. Proportionately this border is even broader than in the forewing. The ventral side of the female closely resembles the female of P. valeria, but on the dorsal side the outer black margins beyond the discal markings on both forewings and hindwings are proportionately much broader, the transverse subterminal series of spots that crosses the wing is further from the terminal edge.
On the ventral side, the terminal black borders are broader and darker, the subterminal series of spots on apex of the forewing and on the hindwing are absent or so very thickly overlaid with the dusky brownish black of the terminal margin that they are very indistinct and blurred.
The antennae, head, thorax and abdomen in both sexes are much as in Common / Malayan Wanderer.

Family: Pieridae
The single biggest threat to butterfly survival is habitat destruction!!

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