Butterfly populations are a very good indicator of the health of an area's ecosystem !!
Also known As The Emerald Machaonoviy Peacock or the Deep Mountain Crow Papilio in Taiwan.
Papilio maackii are found in Central Asia, Russia, Japan, China and South Korea.
Adults are mostly seen from April to September, and live in forest edges and mountains at an altitude of 700 -1600 m.
They are divided into spring and summer types, with a large difference in body size.
Both male and female spring types are slightly smaller than summer types, and summer types have brighter body colors.
Like other swallowtail butterflies, they will congregate in large groups. This behavior (called hilltopping) may be related to mate selection, as most of the females who group are virgins.
Females that have already mated are not usually found in the groups.
Mating partners are decided after an elaborate courtship dance.
The male then grasps the female and transfers a package of sperm called a spermatophore. If the pair are disturbed during transfer, they may take to wing, flying in tandem, joined at the genitals.
Once the male has copulated with a female, he seals her genital opening with a mating plug, called a sphragis. (This prevents another male from mating with her and protects his genetic investment.)
The bodies are black, dotted with green scales.
The forewings of males are black and speckled with many green scales.
The ventral side of the wings are brown.
The hindwings are black and speckled with blue and purple scales and have a tail.
There is an eyespot located on the side closest to the body.
The ventral sides of the hindwings are darker brown and lined with red or orange spots.
Females are more brightly colored and more vibrant than males.
Females are larger than males, and are more blue toned.

Diet: caterpillars feed on Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, Euodia meliaefolia, Orixa japonica and Phellodendron amurense.
Diet: adults feed on the nectar of Mikan trees, and other fruit trees in the Mikan family, such as Mandarin. They also take nectar from Azaleas.
Avg. Wingspan: 12 - 14 cm / 4.72 - 5.5”
Family: Papilionidae

The single biggest threat to butterfly survival is habitat destruction!!